Tougen Anki

Tougen Anki manga, also known as Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood, follows the story of a world where individuals with Momotarou and Oni blood maintain a deep-rooted rivalry. The Momotarou are protectors of the human world, defending it from the chaotic and reckless Oni. Shiki Ichinose, a rebellious teenager proud of his school expulsion, knows nothing of his hidden heritage. Despite Shiki’s wild behavior, his foster father, Tsuyoshi, loves him dearly and has kept a crucial secret for years—Shiki is part Oni. Everything changes when a Momotarou invades their home in search of Shiki. In a desperate attempt to save his foster son, Tsuyoshi, a Momotarou himself, reveals Shiki’s Oni origins as he sacrifices his life to protect him. This revelation awakens Shiki’s dormant Oni blood, unleashing a monstrous side full of rage and a thirst for revenge. Shiki’s transformation catches the attention of Naito Mudano, a teacher at Rakshasa Academy, a school designed to help young Oni control and master their powers. Before Shiki can seek revenge for his father’s death, he must first learn to manage his overwhelming impulses and come to terms with his demonic heritage.